Advanced geological mapping

Coordinate data using tapes and ties

Setting up Metadata

Coordinate data using tapes and ties

Coordinate data using tapes and ties

Coordinate data using tapes and ties

Welcome to PrimeThought Software Solutions


GeologXL provides advanced geological mapping abilities.

It is completely customizable and allows storing your geological data in almost any database or data format.

Total freedom over the fields captured


Supported databases include:

SQL Server (All versions including Express)
Oracle (All versions from 9 up)
MS Access

GeologXL allows offline operation. Before leaving for the field, download the data you wish to work with. This includes your own custom metadata. Then while out you can modify, delete and add new geological data. When you return to the office just click on the synchronize button and your data is uploaded and synchronized with the server database.

GeologXL allows total freedom over the fields captured. It allows defining custom lookups, validation rules etcetera.

The geological data is stored as native 3D spatial data in the database. Thus in Oracle it supports Oracle Spatial. In SQL server it supports the native SQL 2d geometries, and using our SpatialBase it supports any 3d data. If you don’t need to manipulate the 3d data inside Sql server then the data is stored in binary form on the database and can be manipulated in the GeologXL front end.

Allowing for capture of master detail data


Relations can be defined between geological data tables allowing for capture of master detail data.

Data can be exported to almost any graphic format including:

Microstation DGN
Autodesk DWG/DXF
ESRI shape files
Mapinfo TAB files
Modelmaker TOT files

And many other lesser known formats.


Use any external spatial data


Any external spatial data can be loaded and overlaid. Data can be loaded from the following sources:

Microstation DGN
Autodesk DWG/DXF
ESRI shape files
Mapinfo TAB files
Whittle block models
All image file formats
ModelMaker TOT files
LandXML files
KML/Kmz files

and many more

Data can be coordinated by placement of tapes and construction points.

Data can be captured in freehand as well as needed.

GeologXL is used successfully by the following professions:

  • Geological Modeller
  • Geologist
  • Mineral Resource Manager
  • Draftsperson
  • Mining Professional – Reporting
  • And more…


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